A New ROK Commission
Composed by Chappell Kingsland
Libretto by Ben Allen-Kingsland
Stage and Music Directed by Amanda Russo
A ROK Adaptation
Composed by Henry Purcell
Libretto by Nahum Tate
Stage Directed by Laurie Staring
Music Directed by Sarah Hoffmeister
A New ROK Commission
Composed by Chappell Kingsland
Libretto by Ben Allen-Kingsland
Stage and Music Directed by Amanda Russo
A ROK Adaptation
Composed by Henry Purcell
Libretto by Nahum Tate
Stage Directed by Laurie Staring
Music Directed by Sarah Hoffmeister
aleksey artemyev
zachary arneson
austin babb
sarah bullock
rafael campos salles
daniel carlo
anne chester
martha eason
miles edwards
rachel k. evans
amanda fish
erik franklin
grace golden
edward e. graves
natalie hart
sarah hoffmeister
samantha johnson
emily klink
michael linert
alex lucas
sylvester makobi
emily mansfield
elizabeth mcconnaughey
karisa millington
nicole moody
jacquelyn mouritsen
Chris neiner
francisco ortega
Haley Paulin
kelsey randall
natalia sanchez
keith schwartz
jerome sibulo
brooklyn snow
Danielle steg
Gabrielle stuart-davis
samantha thielen
heng-ling wang
kelsea webb
chao-jeng yu
Not Pictured
Abbey Curzon
Soprano, The Firebringers
James Maverick
Piano, The Firebringers
Abbey Curzon
Soprano, The Firebringers
James Maverick
Piano, The Firebringers