Introduction to Opera with Classics for Kids
The following Classics for Kids podcasts are highly recommended for introducing (or reviewing) opera with your students. They feature simple descriptions of complex ideas interspersed with quality musical examples. There are also mini quizzes at the end of each podcast to help students with listening.
“What’s an Opera?”
This podcast provides a solid foundation for learning about opera. It covers basic elements of opera, voice types, solo and group singing, as well as examples from several well-known operas.
“What’s an Opera?”
This podcast provides a solid foundation for learning about opera. It covers basic elements of opera, voice types, solo and group singing, as well as examples from several well-known operas.
“Famous Instrumental Music from Operas”
A great podcast to listen to with students to help them realize that they have already heard many songs from operas. Famous tunes like “Ride of the Valkyries” and Wagner’s wedding march are placed into their original operatic context.
A great podcast to listen to with students to help them realize that they have already heard many songs from operas. Famous tunes like “Ride of the Valkyries” and Wagner’s wedding march are placed into their original operatic context.
Did you listen to both podcasts? If so click below for an interactive Jeopardy game with questions about opera derived from both of the Classics for Kids podcasts.. Play in teams or alone to test your new knowledge.
Make sure to visit for more great podcasts featuring classical composers, plus excellent teacher resources and fun music games!
Two-Minute Opera Webquest and Contest!

This exciting interactive powerpoint guides students through a role-based journey that explores several aspects of opera. Teams of four students can also use this Webquest to write their own two-minute opera! At the completion of this project, teachers may choose a few examples of their students work and send them in for a chance to be featured on the ROK website. One group will receive a prize!
Submission may be emailed to [email protected]
Submission may be emailed to [email protected]

two-mintue_opera_webquest_and_contest.pptx |